In the Mahyu system, transporters or forwarding companies refer to entities that offer transportation services, including land, air, and warehouse services, as well as ecommerce logistics. These companies may own their transportation fleet and warehouse facilities. If a company does not own its fleet, it can still participate, during registration process select as a third-party provider.
To be accepted as a user, domestic providers need to register as a transporter and to submit/upload their business and local licenses. However, international providers are required to upload additional documentation, customs broker license. This to ensure that providers meet the regulatory requirements for operation in international logistics standard.

Submit your company's capacity and capabilities, and our autonomous set of algorithms will assess and match the right requirements accordingly.
Our monitoring and tracking system empowers shipper and transporter to monitor each shipment and track vehicle location. Shippers can monitor the status of each shipment and receive timely updates, including proof of receipt, for each work in progress or completed. Transporters can efficiently track the real-time location of each vehicle, enabling better control over resource utilization.
Our secure platform provides direct real-time interaction between shippers and transporters. Each user can communicate with one another through a direct internal chat feature or via email, all of which are provided during shipment confirmation notification.
The final completed transaction is accompanied by proof of receipt, which is provided through our mobile application. This proof is directly transmitted to the involved parties for their review and acknowledgment that the shipment has been successfully concluded.
Mahyu’s Logistics Solutions
Most Logistics Companies only concentrate in providing a singular Transportation mode, however, at Mahyu we recognize that a proper Logistics services should have a complete Transportation and Warehouse services in order to compete in the Global Digitalized Era. With all domestic and international business transactions starting from a Warehouse service at origin – Transportation service and ending at a destination Warehouse.
Our Human-Smart Algorithm has been configured and developed to make sure all details for a shipper’s logistics requirements are matched up and executed in correspondence to our transporter’s capability. The results for the the details administered and expectations by both parties are met. Our belief in our Digital Logistics Platform to help many industries is the beginning of our services for many years to come.
Mahyu will help Transporters locate nearby cargo shippers in the destination area - for to and from (Sales-Marketing).
Mahyu provides Transporters with additional cargo to pickup along route if capacity is not filled. Up-to-date tracking a shipping information.
Transporter will be able to reduce idling/waiting time, unfilled transporter cargo space before departure time, minimize marketing cost and increase productivity.
Each financial requirement and transaction, payment processing and term of payment will be handled in each area by Mahyu’s local partner.
Provide up to date detail information of transporter and shipper to minimize irresponsible business transaction.
Mahyu provides secure chatting feature enable faster communication, negotiation and transparent transaction.